I have just found the most awesome way to get back at Sara palin. I read several blogs and none that are political all the time. It just amazes me that this woman has everyday people so mad that they blog about her, but I digress... I was visiting grumpygranny and she had the best idea and most fitting way to get back at Sara Palin. just go to http://www.plannedparenthood.org
and make a donation in her name. Planned parenthood will then let her know that a donation was made in her name. This will let her know that the women of America want reproductive fredom and family planning. things that I'm sure her own daughter would love to have had access to. Any who this is a great way to get the point across and a great charity to help out. It's realy a win win for all involved.
hey patrick, go preach somewhere else. like church. she has every write to speak her mind and so do you. she didnt' come to your church to spread her views, now did she? so don't come to her house to spread yours.
Really, you must have something better to do with your time, no??
Love the blog, Small town dyke. keep it up.
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