Friday, April 17, 2009

to all the men in my life.

My ex husband once told me that i would never be able to keep my house without a man. I laughed in his face but inside i wondered how I would do it. I should say that I have a 109 yr old farm house and 42 acres. I have a well that you have to fill from another well and we have a 200 yard driveway,complete with bridge. It's alot of work. Of our 46 acres about 4 is what we consider yard and we have about 20 that is considered pasture. We don't have a tractor for the pasture and all that goes with it instead we have a Mark. This is the first Man in my life. He keeps our pastures cut and looking nice. he weed eats the largest part of our lane and he plows the drive in the winter when it snows. he does all of this for us and doesn't charge us a dime, of course he gets to keep the hay from the fields but what would we do with it. He also has told us to never hesitate to call if anyone bothers us or gives us a hard time. I knew him when I was married to the ex but he never came around. My next man is Allen, he is an ex con who brings us firewood in the winter and cuts our grass in the summer. Now I no what your thinking ex cons and kids don't mix. Not the case here Allen is also an ex drunk who has done all 12 of his steps and that is how he makes his living. 80 bucks a month works for all of us.So to the ex I say I guess your right... without a man I may be lost but at least I don't have to have a man in my bed to keep my house.oh and just for the record the wife and I have done more to improve this house in the last 5 years than I ever thought would get done in the 10 the ex lived here.


Landlady of Fat said...

Yay you! :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have everything under control, so what if you have a couple of guys doing the work.
Loved your last line!

LilliGirl said...

Good for you. Sounds like a win-win for you and the men in your lofe. :)

Monkey Outlaw said...

You know what if I had men like that and all that work I would brag about the men in my life too! You go go go!